Tuesday, October 11, 2016


              In ancient history of our Motherland, Gurukulam was at the pinnacle as an "Uncomparable Educational Institution", which was highly respected by all sastra of people from the common man to king of the country. Ancient Gurukula system was something unique in every aspect. It tutored students in 64 branches of knowledge. Such Saints and Rishis who renounced everything for the welfare of the society. Such saintly people had produced great personalities like Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Arjuna, Bhima, Karna, Ashwathama and so on. The lists of great personalities were endless. Those great persons can never be erased by the crucial factor of 'Time'!.

         Today, ' the same divine power' has started to work through our SRKV Gurukulam, Ulundurpet, with the same spiritual energy an renunciation and service as twin deals. Certainly our Gurukula students are going to become the strong pillars of our nation. So, our gurukulites are meticulously trained to become intellectually sharp, emotionally matured and spiritually energized to compete any situation. Definitely a fine day is going to come with a tremendous social change. At that moment, the society will surely request our gurukulites to give guidance in all aspects of social affairs.

    It is the first time in the history of our Gurukulam"action oriented Gurukula life: is duly documented. It is not something giving news through this bulletin, 'but every word here is going to speak the volume of historical events to the present and future students and parents of our Gurukulam'. Every Gurukuite is being prepared to become 'a celebrated leader' with notable qualities which will undoubtedly be appreciated by the 'international' management giants, educationists and statesmen of our time.

The miracle of Gurukulam is...
A student enters as "an individual" and goes out as "An Institution"!

Expecting everlasting co-operation from our Gurukula family members,

Yours in the Service of Lord,

Swami Anantanandaji Maharaj,
Sri Ramakrishna Ashram, Ulundurpet.


 My beloved and respected Parents and our dear Gurukulites,

   This blog as a fresh flower blossomed with divine perfume and fragrance is placed in front of you.

      Our Gurukula parents are really superior in many things; especially they are more sincere and enthusiastic in knowing the activities held in Gurukulam. Because they are very sure that whatever programmes conducted in Gurukulam would be kindling the thought process, knowledge and talents of Gurukulites into the right and progressive path. 
      The Gurukulites will have different kings of exposure to enhance their skills in all aspects. All the programmes would be held with the same vitality.
     In the divine atmosphere of Gurukulam, the spiritual vibration coupled with the loving care and guidance of the Sanyasin sisters are grooming the Gurukulites properly.  

     The training, which the students undergo everyday, metamorphoses their entire brain and mental activities into the personalities of high capacities.
     Te experience which students get in the Gurukulam would be reflected throughout their life both in the career and family. The programmes will kindle their inquisitive nature towards obtaining the knowledge and make them holistic in their approach.  Whatever is required for modern age would be taught and instilled in the minds of the students with the right attitude and culture as in the proven age old system of Gurukula.

     I pray to the Almighty to shower His Grace on our Gurukulites to shine and flourish in their studies and on our Parents to prosper in Wealth and Health.

With love and blessings,
Yatiswari Ramakrishnapriya Amba,
Sri Sarada Ashram, Ulundurpet.

Blending traditional Indian culture and ancient values with modern scientific knowledge

Envisaging the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and relying on the age old Indian system of value based education, Sri Ramakrishna Vidyalaya Gurukulam at Ulundurpet, Tamil Nadu was started as 100% fully Residential Matric. Hr. Sec. School in 1988.

This institution is purely dedicated to Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda.

Gurukulam is co-educational, having classes from VI – XII. Sri Ramakrishna Vidyalaya Gurukulam as an educational institution qualifies to international standards in infrastructure and facilities. The institution imparts an education that perfectly blends the traditional Indian culture and ancient values with modern scientific knowledge to prepare the students with Global vision.

This can be achieved only by the persons who have sacrificed their whole life (Sanyasins) for the purpose of Education. So the sanyasins of Sri Sarada Ashram, Ulundurpet have dedicated their whole life to provide this holistic education for National Renaissance.